Saturday, March 26, 2011

Australian Hip-Hop's Finest: "Bliss n Eso"

The Aussie hip-hop group Bliss n Eso, comprised of MC Bliss (Jonathan Notley), MC Eso (Max MacKinnon) and DJ Izm (Tarik Ejjamai), first started rapping together during high school and have been inseparable ever since. The trio, however, quickly moved on to bigger and better things as they've become a mainstay in the Aussie hip-hop and rap scene. In 2000 the three released their first official tracks in the form of an EP called The Arrival, under the name 'Bliss N Esoterikizm'. Since then, Bliss n Eso have exploded on an international level. 

From left to right: MC Eso, DJ Izm and MC Bliss

Bliss n Eso knows how to get down and have fun. But, some of their songs pack a political punch too. So, I decided to separate the their tracks below into both sections accordingly.

I hope you enjoy some prime hip-hop from down under!

"Down by the River"

"Blazin' & Coppin' it Sweet"

"Addicted (Running on Air)"


"The Sea is Rising"

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